PLEASE NOTE: OGLE-III Phase HAS ENDED on May 3rd, 2009

The Early Warning System (EWS) was designed for detection of microlensing events in progress and successfully implemented during the first phase of the OGLE experiment (Udalski et al. 1994, Acta Astron., 44, 227). During 1994 and 1995 observing seasons, this system detected 8 events. On May 6, 1998, the EWS system was reimplemented for the second phase of the OGLE experiment: OGLE-II. In 1998-2000 observing seasons of OGLE-II, about 170 microlensing events were discovered by EWS:

In April/May 2002 the new EWS system was implemented for the third phase of the OGLE project - OGLE-III. In the 2005 Galactic bulge season about 120 million stars are regularly monitored and analyzed by the EWS system. Currently observed fields are shown as red and blue squares in this map of the Galactic center. 40 fields in the Small Magellanic Cloud (13 square degrees) and 116 fields in the Large Magellanic Cloud (38 square degrees) are also regularly monitored for microlensing events.

During the previous observing seasons of OGLE-III the EWS system discovered the following number of microlensing event candidates:

Another real time system designed for detection of transient objects in the OGLE-III fields - the NOOS system - was implemented in 2003. Many objects detected by NOOS can also be microlensing events of faint stars - fainter than the OGLE-III detection limit when unmagnified. See the NOOS system page for details and light curves of detected transients.

The Early Warning System implementation for OGLE-III is much different than during the previous phases. The old OGLE photometric data pipeline was replaced by the new one, based on Difference Image Analysis (DIA) photometry (Alard and Lupton 1998, ApJ, 503, 325, Alard 2000, Aston. Astrophys. Suppl. Ser., 144, 363, Wozniak 2000, Acta Astron., 50, 421). DIA photometry ensures better quality photometry in dense stellar fields compared to the classical approach with the profile fitting photometry.

The EWS analyzes photometry of all stars in the field and flags a star when it is detected in the difference images three times in a row. For microlensing event detection only objects increasing brightness are marked. Initial filtering masks the objects which were detected in difference images during the previous observing seasons (3-10% of all stars in the frame) to avoid false signals by variable stars.

The light curves of flagged stars are inspected visually, their positions on the recent CCD frames are checked for bad pixels, bleeding columns, very bright neighboring stars etc. If a star passes all these checks, it is announced as a microlensing candidate.

One has to remember that we cannot guarantee that all alerted stars are indeed true microlensing events. However, our experience from the previous years ensures that the number of false alerts should be relatively small.

So far, the EWS system has detected 156 candidate microlensing events in the 2008 observing season. The table given below provides interactive WWW access to the finding charts, photometry data and other information about all events. Currently ongoing events are marked with . Particularly interesting events are marked with .

Microlensing events data can also be found on Data download site or on Anonymous FTP.

There is also a mailing list providing on-line notification on the detected events. Astronomers interested in follow-up observations and willing to receive e-mail notification, should fill out subscribe/unsubscribe form. If you have any questions or comments, send us a message.

The following table contains basic parameters of the candidate events as well as the links to the WWW pages with finding charts, light curve plots and photometric data. The microlensing light curve model is a simple point mass approximation with blending to give a preliminary information on the event in progress. Blending is included only when (a) fbl + three times the formal error is less than 1.00 and (b) fbl is larger than its formal error. Please note that some of the fit parameters may change considerably when the event develops. No parameters are given for a possible binary microlensing. Microlensing light curve model fit parameters have following meaning:

The photometric data are not calibrated. They were shifted to more or less approximate the I-band system magnitudes. We estimate, however, that the difference might be as large as +/-0.5 mag in some cases. The data will eventually be calibrated but this will not happen soon. Star numbers within the field are also likely to change, because we plan to re-run photometric data pipeline on all the collected data (except for fields BLG100-BLG102) when we have more good frames to replace our current provisional reference images. However, our "lens" notation, e.g., OGLE-2002-BLG-001, will be kept for good.

The most RECENT and PREVIOUS updates of the OGLE-III microlens database containing lens IDs and recent photometry.

The OGLE EWS photometry is provided here for informative purposes only to facilitate the microlensing community monitoring the on-going events and follow up observations. Please contact us if you want to use the data for publication. We may require to be co-authors when our photometry is important for analysis.

When referring to the OGLE EWS system, please cite the paper by Udalski 2003, Acta Astron., 53, 291 and provide the WWW address of the EWS system or the OGLE WWW home page.

Event Field Star No RA (J2000) Dec (J2000) Tmax (HJD) Tmax (UT) tau Umin Amax Dmag fbl Ibl I0
2009-BLG-001 BLG100.1 106140 17:51:28.02 -30:11:55.1 2454867.118 2009-02-04.62 57.318 0.735 1.623 0.526 1.000 17.941 17.941
2009-BLG-002 BLG100.3 15205 17:51:33.32 -29:59:04.9 2454850.608 2009-01-19.11 14.927 0.000 8509.7 9.825 1.000 16.413 16.413
2009-BLG-003 BLG101.1 110081 17:54:48.49 -30:04:38.6 2454970.620 2009-05-19.12 64.933 0.709 1.664 0.553 1.000 14.855 14.855
2009-BLG-004 BLG101.2 217249 17:54:09.33 -29:50:06.1 2454907.611 2009-03-17.11 59.970 1.292 1.193 0.191 1.000 15.739 15.739
2009-BLG-005 BLG101.3 84276 17:54:04.26 -29:46:43.9 2454885.539 2009-02-23.04 13.018 0.979 1.357 0.331 1.000 16.286 16.286
2009-BLG-006 BLG101.8 224157 17:53:02.84 -30:00:28.0 2454877.883 2009-02-15.38 181.614 0.007 141.3 5.375 0.271 19.451 20.870
2009-BLG-007 BLG102.4 188755 17:56:35.25 -29:14:08.9 2454876.792 2009-02-14.29 36.875 0.032 31.419 3.743 0.291 18.874 20.216
2009-BLG-008 BLG103.4 40104 17:56:25.37 -29:53:08.1 2454866.972 2009-02-04.47 72.259 0.672 1.729 0.594 1.000 18.181 18.181
2009-BLG-009 BLG103.5 30958 17:55:53.66 -29:56:50.0 2454886.768 2009-02-24.27 17.032 0.604 1.875 0.683 1.000 17.100 17.100
2009-BLG-010 BLG104.1 161651 17:59:54.85 -29:38:27.8 2454871.304 2009-02-08.80 21.434 0.801 1.530 0.462 1.000 17.448 17.448
2009-BLG-011 BLG104.3 43430 17:59:07.97 -29:25:46.2 2454865.065 2009-02-02.56 15.486 0.927 1.399 0.365 1.000 17.422 17.422
2009-BLG-012 BLG104.3 64652 17:59:44.65 -29:24:20.1 2454866.844 2009-02-04.34 34.264 1.224 1.219 0.215 1.000 16.925 16.925
2009-BLG-013 BLG172.3 158174 17:56:17.68 -31:07:34.9 2454880.811 2009-02-18.31 49.612 0.086 11.685 2.669 0.745 19.211 19.531
2009-BLG-014 BLG172.6 150901 17:54:54.32 -31:07:55.6 2454987.077 2009-06-04.58 79.409 0.215 4.731 1.687 1.000 15.777 15.777
2009-BLG-015 BLG179.2 59639 17:50:22.45 -30:45:19.5 2454857.626 2009-01-26.13 26.117 0.548 2.024 0.765 1.000 18.123 18.123
2009-BLG-016 BLG179.8 48923 17:49:54.60 -30:54:34.9 2454887.898 2009-02-25.40 15.048 0.562 1.982 0.743 0.410 16.331 17.300
2009-BLG-017 BLG182.2 84076 17:59:07.56 -30:43:59.6 2454940.788 2009-04-19.29 89.554 1.111 1.272 0.262 1.000 13.980 13.980
2009-BLG-018 BLG182.3 58734 17:58:34.04 -30:36:11.3 2454875.539 2009-02-13.04 4.009 1.111 1.272 0.261 1.000 15.845 15.845
2009-BLG-019 BLG194.4 19729 17:52:06.80 -29:13:02.8 2454863.561 2009-02-01.06 14.458 0.611 1.858 0.673 1.000 15.895 15.895
2009-BLG-020 BLG196.7 144536 18:04:20.99 -29:31:08.6 2454917.436 2009-03-26.94 13.984 0.049 20.326 3.270 0.987 15.078 15.092
2009-BLG-021 BLG205.1 96827 17:57:45.78 -29:05:55.0 2454886.776 2009-02-24.28 17.234 0.866 1.457 0.408 1.000 15.482 15.482
2009-BLG-022 BLG205.2 141870 17:57:44.79 -28:54:55.5 2454860.944 2009-01-29.44 13.720 0.865 1.458 0.409 1.000 16.443 16.443
2009-BLG-023 BLG206.4 23965 18:00:37.36 -28:42:01.6 2454912.947 2009-03-22.45 208.932 0.038 26.596 3.562 0.241 17.785 19.329
2009-BLG-024 BLG206.4 162164 18:00:46.57 -28:35:34.3 2454902.196 2009-03-11.70 31.602 0.461 2.339 0.923 1.000 17.307 17.307
2009-BLG-025 BLG207.5 147640 18:02:19.81 -28:37:51.8 2454832.638 2009-01-01.14 23.569 0.000 186340 13.176 1.000 14.158 14.158
2009-BLG-026 BLG214.1 77226 17:58:23.22 -28:32:05.8 2454886.558 2009-02-24.06 61.536 0.316 3.279 1.289 0.346 18.272 19.423
2009-BLG-027 BLG224.3 30748 18:02:53.16 -27:41:15.7 2454894.140 2009-03-03.64 353.180 0.125 8.064 2.266 0.031 16.093 19.857
2009-BLG-028 BLG241.1 112342 18:06:39.93 -26:42:31.1 2454883.451 2009-02-20.95 104.878 1.401 1.158 0.160 1.000 16.661 16.661
2009-BLG-029 BLG241.2 51833 18:06:16.08 -26:36:30.9 2454934.713 2009-04-13.21 129.491 0.573 1.953 0.727 0.567 15.914 16.531
2009-BLG-030 BLG241.3 89476 18:06:23.47 -26:25:10.4 2454842.751 2009-01-11.25 47.773 0.354 2.959 1.178 1.000 16.745 16.745
2009-BLG-031 BLG104.6 85736 17:58:50.36 -29:24:49.5 2454855.448 2009-01-23.95 32.161 0.539 2.053 0.781 1.000 18.358 18.358
2009-BLG-032 BLG105.7 161820 18:01:35.75 -29:29:14.0 2454896.034 2009-03-05.53 27.954 1.160 1.247 0.240 1.000 17.618 17.618
2009-BLG-033 BLG121.4 4043 17:46:41.24 -34:37:09.2 2454873.639 2009-02-11.14 25.134 0.475 2.279 0.894 1.000 16.037 16.037
2009-BLG-034 BLG141.1 4365 17:53:43.71 -33:54:27.1 2454849.869 2009-01-18.37 35.393 0.143 7.052 2.121 1.000 18.211 18.211
2009-BLG-035 BLG141.5 16374 17:52:50.66 -33:25:34.3 2454881.588 2009-02-19.09 46.167 0.075 13.376 2.816 0.042 17.242 20.690
2009-BLG-036 BLG157.2 53242 17:58:11.67 -32:31:27.6 2454887.367 2009-02-24.87 35.819 0.299 3.460 1.348 0.217 17.651 19.310
2009-BLG-037 BLG157.8 43827 17:56:30.77 -32:40:22.3 2454884.662 2009-02-22.16 21.314 0.195 5.204 1.791 0.858 16.661 16.827
2009-BLG-038 BLG173.5 18848 17:57:19.26 -31:03:39.8 2454866.392 2009-02-03.89 17.559 0.980 1.356 0.331 1.000 17.682 17.682
2009-BLG-039 BLG190.5 156592 18:04:09.82 -29:45:54.1 2454859.005 2009-01-27.50 30.736 0.000 2543.3 8.514 1.000 17.973 17.973
2009-BLG-040 BLG197.4 121290 18:07:27.10 -29:11:54.1 2454892.460 2009-03-01.96 19.944 0.396 2.672 1.067 1.000 17.837 17.837
2009-BLG-041 BLG208.8 167578 18:04:29.33 -29:02:37.6 2454884.764 2009-02-22.26 39.510 0.783 1.553 0.478 1.000 18.433 18.433
2009-BLG-042 BLG216.6 66097 18:01:46.91 -28:14:09.8 2454857.189 2009-01-25.69 25.633 1.503 1.133 0.135 1.000 14.408 14.408
2009-BLG-043 BLG216.8 57289 18:01:53.85 -28:31:33.9 2454875.322 2009-02-12.82 23.305 1.217 1.222 0.217 1.000 15.858 15.858
2009-BLG-044 BLG227.3 116775 18:10:49.17 -27:37:08.8 2454821.620 2008-12-21.12 40.308 0.946 1.383 0.352 1.000 14.144 14.144
2009-BLG-045 BLG100.4 69184 17:51:46.81 -29:47:05.0 2454895.403 2009-03-04.90 34.077 0.442 2.425 0.962 1.000 19.415 19.415
2009-BLG-046 BLG155.6 36633 17:51:21.65 -32:22:48.2 2454884.818 2009-02-22.32 21.707 0.315 3.289 1.293 1.000 16.957 16.957
2009-BLG-047 BLG164.8 48792 17:54:42.13 -32:05:30.6 2454875.119 2009-02-12.62 49.995 0.101 9.946 2.494 0.217 18.612 20.269
2009-BLG-048 BLG172.6 120695 17:55:22.82 -31:09:10.3 2454890.869 2009-02-28.37 5.481 0.583 1.928 0.713 1.000 16.199 16.199
2009-BLG-049 BLG182.3 98575 17:58:30.88 -30:34:07.2 2454916.946 2009-03-26.45 117.830 0.538 2.054 0.781 1.000 18.255 18.255
2009-BLG-050 BLG196.4 22057 18:05:07.17 -29:18:38.7 2454899.089 2009-03-08.59 19.860 0.061 16.452 3.041 0.383 18.171 19.214
2009-BLG-051 BLG207.2 15573 18:02:56.15 -29:00:01.1 2454894.491 2009-03-03.99 12.066 0.579 1.937 0.718 1.000 18.704 18.704
2009-BLG-052 BLG104.7 18507 17:58:18.06 -29:36:44.4 2454902.128 2009-03-11.63 15.588 0.085 11.838 2.683 0.899 17.724 17.839
2009-BLG-053 BLG181.5 56922 17:54:21.42 -30:26:15.0 2454895.259 2009-03-04.76 19.343 0.093 10.776 2.581 1.000 18.805 18.805
2009-BLG-054 BLG184.6 91024 18:02:17.54 -30:34:18.0 2454903.046 2009-03-12.55 49.573 1.090 1.284 0.272 1.000 16.059 16.059
2009-BLG-055 BLG196.7 182674 18:04:04.14 -29:28:35.5 2454890.182 2009-02-27.68 8.936 1.098 1.279 0.268 1.000 15.549 15.549
2009-BLG-056 BLG242.2 39185 18:09:51.63 -26:38:15.9 2454857.313 2009-01-25.81 25.750 0.900 1.424 0.384 1.000 15.565 15.565
2009-BLG-057 BLG242.5 107235 18:07:24.87 -26:12:57.7 2454840.844 2009-01-09.34 46.040 0.549 2.022 0.765 1.000 16.822 16.822
2009-BLG-058 BLG121.2 27953 17:47:34.79 -34:55:42.0 2454887.854 2009-02-25.35 21.935 0.071 14.178 2.879 0.137 18.021 20.177
2009-BLG-059 BLG131.8 79597 17:48:11.86 -34:24:44.8 2454873.180 2009-02-10.68 40.511 0.306 3.379 1.322 1.000 19.242 19.242
2009-BLG-060 BLG232.6 119846 17:59:56.87 -26:58:44.0 2454938.948 2009-04-17.45 122.995 0.479 2.263 0.887 1.000 18.037 18.037
2009-BLG-061 BLG121.8 81843 17:45:29.06 -35:00:08.8 2454882.520 2009-02-20.02 19.641 0.242 4.230 1.566 1.000 18.553 18.553
2009-BLG-062 BLG102.5 210233 17:55:43.88 -29:14:33.9 2454908.867 2009-03-18.37 67.576 0.028 35.764 3.884 0.085 18.124 20.803
2009-BLG-063 BLG149.5 166977 17:54:34.81 -32:44:50.6 2454884.630 2009-02-22.13 13.986 0.749 1.601 0.511 1.000 15.953 15.953
2009-BLG-064 BLG233.4 116417 18:02:52.72 -26:49:39.4 2454900.531 2009-03-10.03 28.275 0.077 13.031 2.787 1.000 16.842 16.842
2009-BLG-065 BLG105.2 72629 18:02:42.26 -29:34:40.7 2454902.560 2009-03-12.06 23.584 0.087 11.533 2.655 0.264 18.213 19.657
2009-BLG-066 BLG130.4 27969 17:47:29.89 -34:00:52.3 2454907.530 2009-03-17.03 28.742 0.027 37.513 3.935 1.000 19.631 19.631
2009-BLG-067 BLG217.2 6879 18:05:39.87 -28:24:54.3 2454931.968 2009-04-10.47 104.233 0.303 3.409 1.332 0.287 18.012 19.369
2009-BLG-068 BLG171.1 92939 17:53:37.00 -31:27:10.4 2454899.988 2009-03-09.49 12.583 1.087 1.286 0.273 1.000 17.836 17.836
2009-BLG-069 BLG172.2 45193 17:55:34.31 -31:20:42.1 2454905.045 2009-03-14.54 5.649 0.498 2.191 0.852 1.000 19.089 19.089
2009-BLG-070 BLG179.4 137098 17:50:22.98 -30:22:50.0 2454921.228 2009-03-30.73 12.671 0.098 10.221 2.524 1.000 16.666 16.666
2009-BLG-071 BLG102.5 222022 17:55:56.82 -29:14:16.8 2454910.000 2009-03-19.50 10.373 0.380 2.770 1.106 1.000 19.535 19.535
2009-BLG-072 BLG164.2 89059 17:56:05.46 -31:52:35.0 2454969.587 2009-05-18.09 38.528 0.942 1.386 0.355 1.000 15.897 15.897
2009-BLG-073 BLG206.8 23516 17:59:14.58 -29:09:30.5 2454951.393 2009-04-29.89 175.930 0.152 6.654 2.058 0.038 13.204 16.759
2009-BLG-074 BLG214.4 76175 17:58:18.81 -28:05:14.8 2454906.472 2009-03-15.97 30.576 0.088 11.349 2.637 0.703 19.228 19.610
2009-BLG-075 BLG215.6 50294 18:00:01.70 -28:16:06.7 2454909.737 2009-03-19.24 9.164 0.396 2.672 1.067 1.000 19.132 19.132
2009-BLG-076 BLG104.5 176351 17:58:31.93 -29:12:17.9 2454916.466 2009-03-25.97 22.693 0.015 67.522 4.574 0.305 18.210 19.501
2009-BLG-077 BLG216.2 161303 18:04:02.55 -28:20:09.9 2454902.916 2009-03-12.42 6.836 0.877 1.446 0.400 1.000 18.294 18.294
2009-BLG-078 BLG101.4 52130 17:54:44.50 -29:38:41.1 2454908.549 2009-03-18.05 4.265 1.160 1.248 0.240 1.000 17.059 17.059
2009-BLG-079 BLG155.8 138264 17:52:06.70 -32:35:25.0 2454914.727 2009-03-24.23 9.495 0.027 37.638 3.939 1.000 16.976 16.976
2009-BLG-080 BLG188.8 140679 17:57:51.02 -30:15:01.1 2454851.609 2009-01-20.11 53.248 0.505 2.166 0.839 1.000 17.875 17.875
2009-BLG-081 BLG189.6 66010 18:01:00.29 -29:59:56.7 2454912.832 2009-03-22.33 16.055 0.320 3.244 1.278 0.445 17.952 18.830
2009-BLG-082 BLG195.5 76489 17:53:32.36 -29:01:54.4 2454910.811 2009-03-20.31 6.537 0.470 2.301 0.905 1.000 19.236 19.236
2009-BLG-083 BLG197.7 154074 18:06:47.60 -29:30:17.9 2454933.386 2009-04-11.89 139.437 0.285 3.615 1.395 1.000 19.596 19.596
2009-BLG-084 BLG218.5 95818 18:06:37.48 -28:02:12.6 2454915.652 2009-03-25.15 24.162 0.305 3.395 1.327 1.000 19.602 19.602
2009-BLG-085 BLG206.4 61908 18:00:25.22 -28:40:32.1 2455083.812 2009-09-09.31 95.459 0.000 7061.2 9.622 1.000 15.422 15.422
2009-BLG-086 BLG101.8 8578 17:52:38.35 -30:05:57.0 2454914.477 2009-03-23.98 20.386 1.006 1.338 0.316 1.000 17.484 17.484
2009-BLG-087 BLG157.2 31735 17:58:53.50 -32:33:53.5 2454917.796 2009-03-27.30 12.400 1.114 1.271 0.260 1.000 17.546 17.546
2009-BLG-088 BLG171.5 39917 17:51:26.81 -31:01:09.3 2454913.570 2009-03-23.07 3.432 0.256 3.998 1.505 1.000 19.033 19.033
2009-BLG-089 BLG181.7 156004 17:54:12.19 -30:39:40.7 2454913.851 2009-03-23.35 4.325 0.591 1.907 0.701 1.000 15.928 15.928
2009-BLG-090 BLG206.5 56668 17:58:59.48 -28:40:48.9 2454914.784 2009-03-24.28 2.171 0.983 1.354 0.329 1.000 15.635 15.635
2009-BLG-091 BLG102.3 182841 17:56:35.61 -29:23:16.7 2454981.785 2009-05-30.29 39.003 0.000 2162.9 8.338 1.000 17.377 17.377
2009-BLG-092 BLG194.2 12817 17:51:37.98 -29:32:43.4 2454959.963 2009-05-08.46 31.141 0.000 226974 13.390 1.000 16.960 16.960
2009-BLG-093 BLG100.6 63900 17:49:49.52 -29:54:05.1 2454949.349 2009-04-27.85 26.982 0.122 8.222 2.287 0.819 18.489 18.706
2009-BLG-094 BLG100.8 10393 17:50:12.91 -30:16:59.7 2454925.978 2009-04-04.48 8.705 0.391 2.704 1.080 1.000 17.540 17.540
2009-BLG-095 BLG102.5 145124 17:55:32.65 -29:15:17.2 2454921.824 2009-03-31.32 4.785 0.546 2.029 0.768 1.000 18.704 18.704
2009-BLG-096 BLG140.1 17069 17:51:33.45 -33:54:34.9 2454920.435 2009-03-29.93 5.217 0.309 3.355 1.314 1.000 18.259 18.259
2009-BLG-097 BLG171.4 5161 17:53:04.53 -31:04:54.0 2454938.014 2009-04-16.51 26.314 0.412 2.578 1.028 0.425 17.287 18.215
2009-BLG-098 BLG206.4 85080 18:01:11.56 -28:41:23.3 2454930.261 2009-04-08.76 5.383 0.309 3.346 1.311 1.000 15.523 15.523
2009-BLG-099 BLG208.8 183856 18:05:03.08 -29:03:32.6 2454952.279 2009-04-30.78 23.501 0.246 4.162 1.548 1.000 15.583 15.583
2009-BLG-100 BLG214.2 27327 17:58:13.64 -28:25:07.8 2454927.106 2009-04-05.61 14.380 1.877 1.073 0.076 1.000 13.254 13.254
2009-BLG-101 BLG215.5 142803 17:59:58.27 -28:03:05.4 2454923.949 2009-04-02.45 7.286 0.000 51639 11.782 1.000 18.541 18.541
2009-BLG-102 BLG206.1 22342 18:00:37.24 -29:10:49.8 2454926.490 2009-04-04.99 2.308 1.399 1.159 0.160 1.000 16.096 16.096
2009-BLG-103 BLG216.5 61382 18:01:40.69 -28:05:38.7 2454970.246 2009-05-18.75 40.207 1.419 1.153 0.155 1.000 16.262 16.262
2009-BLG-104 BLG216.6 15156 18:01:43.70 -28:15:33.7 2454920.055 2009-03-29.55 11.765 0.282 3.648 1.405 1.000 18.426 18.426
2009-BLG-105 BLG102.4 179130 17:56:22.88 -29:14:51.8 2454925.690 2009-04-04.19 19.614 0.524 2.100 0.805 1.000 16.851 16.851
2009-BLG-106 BLG142.2 105798 17:57:21.77 -33:41:04.4 2454953.114 2009-05-01.61 35.524 0.260 3.937 1.488 1.000 18.582 18.582
2009-BLG-107 BLG197.1 131474 18:07:22.49 -29:39:10.4 2454926.585 2009-04-05.08 18.528 0.233 4.383 1.604 1.000 20.301 20.301
2009-BLG-108 BLG218.3 42964 18:08:04.75 -28:13:10.8 2454926.934 2009-04-05.43 9.361 1.040 1.314 0.297 1.000 17.742 17.742
2009-BLG-109 BLG249.2 53578 18:07:07.39 -26:01:16.6 2454967.729 2009-05-16.23 32.907 1.089 1.285 0.272 1.000 17.103 17.103
2009-BLG-110 BLG122.1 44102 17:49:20.64 -35:01:41.1 2454971.037 2009-05-19.54 45.081 0.577 1.942 0.721 1.000 17.826 17.826
2009-BLG-111 BLG140.6 59534 17:50:14.38 -33:33:24.7 2454932.426 2009-04-10.93 7.111 0.811 1.518 0.453 1.000 16.662 16.662
2009-BLG-112 BLG164.8 7380 17:54:22.43 -32:08:06.4 2454926.885 2009-04-05.38 9.829 0.084 11.954 2.694 1.000 19.024 19.024
2009-BLG-113 BLG183.2 122764 18:01:36.04 -30:43:20.8 2454951.098 2009-04-29.60 14.325 0.738 1.618 0.522 0.710 14.123 14.494
2009-BLG-114 BLG225.4 149313 18:04:42.68 -27:25:53.0 2454919.417 2009-03-28.92 45.980 0.105 9.553 2.450 0.468 19.339 20.163
2009-BLG-115 BLG101.3 173150 17:54:22.84 -29:44:28.7 2454933.443 2009-04-11.94 2.133 0.417 2.549 1.016 1.000 19.255 19.255
2009-BLG-116 BLG129.5 18458 17:43:11.14 -34:00:55.5 2454937.100 2009-04-15.60 20.965 1.059 1.303 0.287 1.000 18.716 18.716
2009-BLG-117 BLG138.6 31060 17:45:09.68 -33:35:48.4 2454959.209 2009-05-07.71 31.344 0.650 1.773 0.622 1.000 18.365 18.365
2009-BLG-118 BLG140.5 112018 17:49:42.32 -33:19:42.3 2454936.008 2009-04-14.51 45.218 0.591 1.907 0.701 1.000 18.960 18.960
2009-BLG-119 BLG148.7 80668 17:52:23.41 -33:08:04.5 2454939.643 2009-04-18.14 19.292 0.178 5.669 1.884 1.000 19.922 19.922
2009-BLG-120 BLG156.5 152969 17:54:22.42 -32:08:07.3 2454926.894 2009-04-05.39 9.585 0.078 12.903 2.777 1.000 18.832 18.832
2009-BLG-121 BLG164.1 34168 17:55:31.91 -32:05:34.8 2454965.182 2009-05-13.68 17.557 0.442 2.425 0.962 1.000 16.757 16.757
2009-BLG-122 BLG164.7 117977 17:54:20.96 -31:52:03.9 2454969.327 2009-05-17.83 34.353 0.208 4.896 1.725 1.000 17.654 17.654
2009-BLG-123 BLG180.1 113566 17:52:52.64 -30:51:37.8 2454935.154 2009-04-13.65 15.423 1.315 1.185 0.184 1.000 17.618 17.618
2009-BLG-124 BLG182.8 40734 17:57:46.56 -30:55:59.8 2454934.107 2009-04-12.61 1.792 0.372 2.826 1.128 1.000 15.549 15.549
2009-BLG-125 BLG219.1 41089 18:10:41.41 -28:31:40.6 2454932.530 2009-04-11.03 26.055 0.973 1.361 0.335 1.000 18.609 18.609
2009-BLG-126 BLG102.8 225318 17:55:57.89 -29:40:16.3 2454935.843 2009-04-14.34 10.028 0.572 1.956 0.728 1.000 19.405 19.405
2009-BLG-127 BLG172.2 129512 17:55:34.28 -31:17:03.3 2454914.247 2009-03-23.75 34.195 0.223 4.559 1.647 0.925 17.055 17.140
2009-BLG-128 BLG172.8 135816 17:54:15.21 -31:25:04.0 2454939.896 2009-04-18.40 7.560 0.140 7.184 2.141 1.000 20.021 20.021
2009-BLG-129 BLG181.1 135154 17:55:45.95 -30:52:23.4 2454938.921 2009-04-17.42 28.617 0.019 51.628 4.282 0.078 18.801 21.572
2009-BLG-130 BLG195.1 9344 17:53:56.68 -29:30:37.2 2454949.893 2009-04-28.39 27.740 0.189 5.371 1.825 1.000 19.697 19.697
2009-BLG-131 BLG195.7 25659 17:53:08.67 -29:23:11.2 2454955.840 2009-05-04.34 12.399 0.194 5.220 1.794 1.000 16.484 16.484
2009-BLG-132 BLG216.2 134210 18:03:16.78 -28:20:47.4 2454955.481 2009-05-03.98 39.499 0.181 5.598 1.870 0.538 18.790 19.464
2009-BLG-133 BLG223.1 62701 17:59:45.83 -27:56:09.2 2454938.223 2009-04-16.72 17.899 0.444 2.414 0.957 1.000 19.896 19.896
2009-BLG-134 BLG224.5 88303 18:01:36.26 -27:29:10.2 2454947.810 2009-04-26.31 18.706 0.043 23.245 3.416 0.245 17.327 18.853
2009-BLG-135 BLG103.8 131491 17:55:55.12 -30:17:44.7 2454940.636 2009-04-19.14 3.816 1.491 1.136 0.138 1.000 16.720 16.720
2009-BLG-136 BLG129.1 27229 17:44:58.55 -34:29:14.7 2454966.057 2009-05-14.56 38.299 0.091 11.050 2.608 1.000 19.828 19.828
2009-BLG-137 BLG173.5 30182 17:57:33.06 -31:03:49.8 2454940.558 2009-04-19.06 7.726 0.088 11.457 2.648 1.000 19.993 19.993
2009-BLG-138 BLG190.6 92664 18:03:19.64 -29:59:12.1 2454943.622 2009-04-22.12 10.177 0.574 1.950 0.725 1.000 18.846 18.846
2009-BLG-139 BLG205.6 94524 17:56:20.36 -28:46:47.6 2454946.751 2009-04-25.25 5.560 0.152 6.657 2.058 1.000 19.708 19.708
2009-BLG-140 BLG214.5 93372 17:57:16.98 -28:05:41.7 2454958.545 2009-05-07.04 11.001 0.500 2.182 0.847 1.000 17.093 17.093
2009-BLG-141 BLG215.6 155474 18:00:04.66 -28:11:05.2 2454950.806 2009-04-29.31 24.581 0.073 13.735 2.845 0.295 18.879 20.205
2009-BLG-142 BLG224.4 69475 18:02:28.19 -27:28:18.4 2454947.050 2009-04-25.55 9.531 0.139 7.258 2.152 0.368 18.489 19.573
2009-BLG-143 BLG130.1 58753 17:47:42.06 -34:26:23.7 2454955.283 2009-05-03.78 15.089 1.858 1.075 0.078 1.000 15.207 15.207
2009-BLG-144 BLG179.3 29724 17:51:01.79 -30:38:06.5 2454946.438 2009-04-24.94 3.213 0.894 1.429 0.388 1.000 18.166 18.166
2009-BLG-145 BLG102.3 210909 17:57:09.32 -29:22:36.8 2454946.638 2009-04-25.14 2.509 0.248 4.126 1.539 1.000 19.739 19.739
2009-BLG-146 BLG234.5 167950 18:04:41.14 -26:50:17.6 2454957.448 2009-05-05.95 17.455 0.204 4.969 1.741 1.000 18.731 18.731
2009-BLG-147 BLG131.5 84071 17:48:01.83 -33:58:00.8 2454976.425 2009-05-24.93 27.332 0.001 770.4 7.217 1.000 18.579 18.579
2009-BLG-148 BLG155.2 169567 17:53:33.62 -32:26:42.8 2454960.402 2009-05-08.90 7.136 0.948 1.382 0.351 1.000 14.420 14.420
2009-BLG-149 BLG189.1 20395 18:02:22.57 -30:20:21.0 2454982.630 2009-05-31.13 22.720 0.000 6132.4 9.469 1.000 17.904 17.904
2009-BLG-150 BLG195.1 136213 17:54:44.81 -29:27:19.9 2454958.369 2009-05-06.87 4.050 1.131 1.262 0.253 1.000 15.746 15.746
2009-BLG-151 BLG195.4 24208 17:54:22.38 -29:03:21.2 2454956.363 2009-05-04.86 8.840 1.724 1.092 0.096 1.000 16.055 16.055
2009-BLG-152 BLG207.6 212933 18:02:23.64 -28:45:18.7 2454956.173 2009-05-04.67 36.108 0.000 70436 12.119 0.077 18.740 21.530
2009-BLG-153 BLG214.6 31421 17:56:58.85 -28:16:29.0 2454957.238 2009-05-05.74 11.605 0.394 2.681 1.071 1.000 19.700 19.700
2009-BLG-154 BLG215.3 157978 18:00:16.34 -28:09:50.8 2454969.663 2009-05-18.16 10.785 0.000 64573 12.025 1.000 17.216 17.216
2009-BLG-155 BLG224.5 80057 18:01:23.14 -27:29:32.2 2454958.682 2009-05-07.18 11.620 0.000 35171 11.365 1.000 19.243 19.243
2009-BLG-156 BLG241.1 181393 18:07:12.15 -26:41:51.7 2454958.186 2009-05-06.69 20.451 0.137 7.358 2.167 1.000 19.143 19.143

Andrzej Udalski and Michal Szymanski

Warsaw University Observatory

Warsaw, Poland

Last updated on Tue May 5 00:55:13 CEST 2009