We present results of two observing campaigns conducted by the OGLE-III survey in the 2003 observing season aiming at the detection of new objects with planetary transiting companions. Six fields of 35'x35' each located in the Galactic disk were monitored with high frequency for several weeks in February-July 2003. Additional observations of three of these fields were also collected in the 2004 season. Altogether about 800 and 1500 epochs were collected for the fields of both campaigns, respectively.
The search for low depth transits was conducted on about 230000 stars with photometry better than 15 mmag. It was focused on detection of planetary companions, thus clear non-planetary cases were not included in the final list of selected objects. Altogether we discovered 40 stars with shallow (<0.05 mag) flat-bottomed transits. In each case several individual transits were observed allowing determination of photometric elements. Additionally, the lower limits on radii of the primary and companion were calculated.
Full description of the OGLE-III 2003 campaigns can be found in the paper Udalski et al. 2004, Acta Astron., 54, 313 (astro-ph/0411543.)
All transits' data are presented in THIS TABLE.
Sizes of the stars and transiting objects were estimated by modeling the light curve with a simple transit model assuming completely dark transiting object and limb darkening of the primary star. Lower limits for radii of the star and companion can be derived assuming central passage (i = 90 deg). Results are presented in this TABLE.
PLEASE cite the following paper when using the data or referring to these OGLE results: Udalski et al., 2004, Acta Astron. 54, 313.