This directory contains the catalog of eclipsing binary stars detected
during the OGLE-II microlensing search in the Small Magellanic Cloud.
This is the second version of the catalog.

The directory structure is as follows:

README             -- this file

   catalog_ver_1/  -- Version 1 of the catalog - see README file in this

E.table		   -- list of all 2580 eclipsing binary stars detected. 
		      The columns are: number in the Catalog, Field, star ID,
		      RA(2000), DEC(2000), x, y coordinates on reference
		      fts frame, P(days), T_0 (HJD-245000), I_dia mag at
		      maximum, depth of primary eclipse (I_dia magnitude),
		      phase of secondary eclipse, depth of secondary
		      eclipse (I_dia magnitude), I, V, B mag at maximum (from
		      standard OGLE-II photometry), eclipsing binary type,
		      overlaping star (0 if none), number of the star in 
		      previous version of the catalog (Udalski et al 1998)
		      (0 if new object).
		      Magic number -99.99 for secondary eclipse parameters
		      and for color columns means "no data".

subdirectory paper -- Paper: "The Optical Gravitational Lensing
		      Experiment. Eclipsing Binary Stars in the Small
		      Magellanic Cloud."
		      L. Wyrzykowski, A. Udalski, M. Kubiak, M. Szymanski,
		      K. Zebrun, I. Soszynski, P.R. Wozniak,
		      G. Pietrzynski and O. Szewczyk,
		      Acta Astronomica (2004), 54, 1,
		      describing the catalog (Postscript version)

subdirectory smc_sc1  -- the catalog of eclipsing stars from SMC_SC1 field.

subdirectory smc_sc2  -- the catalog of eclipsing stars from SMC_SC2 field.

subdirectory smc_sc3  -- the catalog of eclipsing stars from SMC_SC3 field.

subdirectory smc_sc4  -- the catalog of eclipsing stars from SMC_SC4 field.

subdirectory smc_sc5  -- the catalog of eclipsing stars from SMC_SC5 field.

subdirectory smc_sc6  -- the catalog of eclipsing stars from SMC_SC6 field.

subdirectory smc_sc7  -- the catalog of eclipsing stars from SMC_SC7 field.

subdirectory smc_sc8  -- the catalog of eclipsing stars from SMC_SC8 field.

subdirectory smc_sc9  -- the catalog of eclipsing stars from SMC_SC9 field.

subdirectory smc_sc10  -- the catalog of eclipsing stars from SMC_SC10 field.

subdirectory smc_sc11  -- the catalog of eclipsing stars from SMC_SC11 field.

Catalog of each field has the following structure (e.g. catalog of
SMC_SC1 field):

subdirectory fcharts  -- finding charts of individual objects; gzipped  
                         Postscript version. The file name is:

subdirectory phot     -- photometry of individual objects:

    subdirectory Idia -- photometry in the I_dia band
    subdirectory I    -- photometry in the I-band (standard OGLE-II photometry)
    subdirectory V    -- photometry in the V-band (standard OGLE-II photometry)
    subdirectory B    -- photometry in the B-band (standard OGLE-II photometry)

                         The file name is object_id.dat.gz in each of these
                         subdirectories, except Idia, where file name is
                         object_id.dat. Each file contains 3 columns:
                         Hel JD, magnitude, error.

smc_sc1.table	      -- Table with data for eclipsing stars in the field
		         SMC_SC1. The columns are the same as in E.table,
		         described above.	      -- Postscript version of the catalog of eclipsing
		         stars of the field SMC_SC1. X stands for page
		         number. Each page contains 28 stars' plots.

tpl_smc_sc1u.fts      -- Reference frame for the field SMC_SC1

phot.tar	      -- tar file of the entire 'phot' subdirectory

fcharts.tar	      -- tar file of the entire 'fcharts' subdirectory.

Any presentation of the scientific analysis or usage of the data from
the catalog of eclipsing stars in the SMC should cite the appropriate
OGLE paper(s).