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Blue Large-Amplitude Pulsators and Other Short-Period Variable Stars in OGLE-IV Fields of the Outer Galactic Bulge

J. Borowicz, P. Pietrukowicz, J. Skowron, I. Soszyński, A. Udalski, M.K. Szymański, K. Ulaczyk, R. Poleski, S. Kozłowski, P. Mróz, D.M. Skowron, K. Rybicki, P. Iwanek, M. Wrona, M. Gromadzki and M.J. Mróz
Acta Astronomica, 73, 4, 265 (arXiv:2404.17715)
Data download: OCVS/BLAP

The presented study focuses on the search for short-period (< 1h) variable stars in the OGLE-IV outer Galactic bulge fields. The monitoring of about 700 million stellar sources have allowed us to detect 31 previously unknown Blue Large-Amplitude Pulsators (BLAPs) and five short-period eclipsing binary systems. The periods of the identified BLAPs range from 7.5 to 66.5 min and the I-band amplitudes range from 0.11 to 0.43 mag.

Positions of BLAPs detected by the OGLE-IV survey in the Galactic bulge area
On-sky positions of all BLAPs detected in the OGLE survey. In the bulge area, all pulsators but object OGLE-BLAP-093 lie within latitudes 2° < |b| < 8 °.
Phase-folded I-band light curves (left panels) and CMDs (right panels) for BLAPs
Example light-curves and color-magnitude diagrams for three (out of 31) detected BLAPs

In addition to the BLAPs, we have identified five short-period eclipsing binary systems with orbital periods in the range 61-121 min. These include HW Vir-type binaries and compact sdB systems. Unusually red object BLG832.03.1534 is a candidate for the shortest known M-dwarf contact binary.

Phase-folded I-band light curves (left panels) and CMDs (right panels) for five eclipsing binary systems
Example light-curves and color-magnitude diagrams for three (out of 5) detected short-period eclipsing binary systems

OGLE photometric data are available to the astronomical community from the OGLE Internet Archive.

PLEASE cite the following paper when using the data or referring to these OGLE results:
Borowicz et al., 2023, Acta Astronomica, 73, 4, 265, (arXiv:2404.17715)
