The current version of the catalog contains over 220 000 I band
light curves, basically entire output of the DIA pipeline. The details can
be found in the postscript paper
Extended light curves covering all four OGLE2 seasons are now available for
the same variables as before* detected using difference frames from
1997-1999. In particular the DIA centroid is the same as before and does
not use new information from frames taken in 2000. Reference images are
also the same. The fourth season makes insignificant difference for
detecting continuous variability, but the present sample misses transient
objects from 2000.
Data distribution:
The data can be accessed from the
ftp archive
This work is still preliminary. It will be gradually cleaned of artifacts
and fully calibrated after adding the data for the year of 2000. About 10%
of the objects are actually spurious detections. Most fields are
calibrated to about 0.05 mag by matching to the OGLE DoPhot database,
however for 10 fields (BUL_SC: 7, 9, 20, 25, 28, 32, 43, 47, 48 and 49)
only rough calibration was available at the time of this analysis. Zero
points for those fields can be off by as much as 0.25 mag and cannot be
used in distance estimates. Nevertheless, the data should find numerous
applications including the work on classification of variables and cross
identifications with catalogs of objects detected in other spectral bands.
PLEASE cite the following paper when using the data or referring
to these OGLE results:
Wozniak et al., 2002,
Acta Astron., 52,
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Last modified: Wed Jun 10 17:00:20 2009