
VI Photometric Maps of the OGLE-III Galactic Disk Fields

We present OGLE-III Photometric Maps of the Galactic Disk. They contain precise, calibrated VI photometry of about 9 million stars from 21 OGLE-III fields in the Galactic Disk observed regularly in the years 2001-2008 and covering over 7 square degrees in the sky. Precise astrometry of these objects is also provided. We discuss quality of the data and present a few color-magnitude diagrams of the observed fields.

List of fields observed in the Galactic Disk:

Field RA Dec lII bII
CAR100  11:07:00  -61:06:30  290.6544  -0.7510 
CAR104 10:57:30 -61:40:00 289.8439 -1.7249
CAR105 10:52:20 -61:40:00 289.2911 -1.9906
CAR106 11:03:00 -61:50:00 290.5054 -1.6063
CAR107 10:47:15 -62:00:25 288.9089 -2.5647
CAR108 10:47:15 -61:24:35 288.6343 -2.0343
CAR109 10:42:10 -62:10:25 288.4607 -2.9904
CAR110 10:42:15 -61:34:35 288.1846 -2.4606
CAR111 10:47:15 -60:48:45 288.3599 -1.5037
CAR112 10:52:20 -61:04:15 289.0276 -1.4562
CAR113 10:57:20 -61:04:08 289.5717 -1.1922
CAR114 10:57:20 -60:28:18 289.3178 -0.6516
CAR115 10:40:30 -62:09:00 288.2783 -3.0629
CAR116 10:37:00 -62:45:00 288.2176 -3.7841
CAR117 10:42:05 -62:45:00 288.7274 -3.5017
CAR118 10:38:30 -63:20:50 288.6602 -4.2207
CEN106 11:32:30 -60:50:00 293.4598  0.5784
CEN107 11:54:00 -62:00:00 296.2458  0.1238
CEN108 13:33:00 -64:15:00 307.4281 -1.7417
MUS100 13:15:00 -64:51:00 305.4335 -2.0928
MUS101 13:25:00 -64:58:00 306.4749 -2.3261

To check if we observe(d) at particular RA/Dec, use OGLE Field Finder.

Sample CMD diagram:

CMD of the CEN108.2 field

The OGLE-III Photometric Maps of the Galactic Disk are available to the astronomical community from the OGLE Internet archive. See README file there for details.

Any comments about the data and the form of their presentation are welcome as they can improve the future releases of photometric maps of other OGLE-III fields. Send your messages to this address.

PLEASE cite the following paper when using the data or referring to these OGLE results:
Szymanski et al., 2010, Acta Astron., 60, 295 (astro-ph/1101.1799).
