We present the Catalog of microlensing events detected toward the Galactic
bulge in three observing seasons, 1997-1999, during the OGLE-II
microlensing survey. The search for microlensing events was performed using
a database of about 4×109 photometric measurements of
about 20.5 million stars from the Galactic bulge. The Catalog comprises 214
cases of microlensing events found in the fields covering about 11 square
degrees on the sky and distributed in different parts of the Galactic
bulge. The sample includes 20 binary microlensing events, 14 of them are
caustic crossing. In one case a double star is likely lensed.
We present distribution of the basic parameters of microlensing events and
show preliminary rate of microlensing in different
regions of the Galactic bulge.
The latter reveals clear dependence on
the Galactic coordinates. The dependence on l indicates that the
majority of lenses toward the Galactic bulge are located in the Galactic
bar. Models of the Galactic bar seem to reasonably predict the observed
spatial distribution of microlensing events in the Galactic bulge.
Catalog data can be accessed through:
• The OGLE project Data Download archive or
• HTML table of all events, with individual links.
• Light curves gallery, with individual links (may take long to load).
We also present another
catalog of 520 microlensing events in the Galactic Bulge, based on
Difference Image Analysis method.
Please cite the following paper(s) when using the data or referring to
these OGLE results:
Udalski et al., 2000,
Acta Astron., 50, 1
Wozniak et al., 2001,
Acta Astron., 51, 175
Any comments about the data and the form of their presentation are
welcome as they can improve the future releases of OGLE catalogs.
Send your messages to this address.