We use nearly 20 years of photometry obtained by the OGLE survey to measure the occurrence rate of wide-orbit (or ice giant) microlensing planets, i.e., with separations from ≈5 AU to ≈15 AU and mass-ratios from 10-4 to 0.033. In a sample of 3112 events we find six previously known wide-orbit planets and a new microlensing planet or brown dwarf OGLE-2017-BLG-0114Lb, for which close and wide orbits are possible and close orbit is preferred. We run extensive simulations of the planet detection efficiency, robustly taking into account the finite-source effects. We find that the extrapolation of the previously measured rate of microlensing planets significantly underpredicts the number of wide-orbit planets. On average, every microlensing star hosts 1.4+0.9-0.6 ice giant planets.
Survey detection efficiency, i.e., number of planets that would be detected if every star had a planet at given separation s and mass ratio q (color scale). Detected planets are marked by black points.
Light curve of a new anomalous event OGLE-2017-BLG-0114. The lines show binary-lens models with xallarap effect: close (more likely) and wide.
Data accompanying the paper: link.
PLEASE cite the following paper when using the data or referring to these OGLE results:
Poleski et al.,
2021, Acta Astronomica, 71, 1
Any comments about the data and the form of their presentation are welcome. Send your messages to rpoleski AT astrouw.edu.pl.