Telescope technical data:
- 1.3m (51'') primary mirror diameter
- 1:9.2 (1:2.8 primary) Ritchey-Chretién system; 17.4 arcsec/mm
focal scale
- 3-element field corrector - 1.5° diffraction limited field
(80% of light within 0.5 arcsec diameter)
- Ultra Low Expansion (ULE) glass mirrors
- Fully automated, computer controlled operation
- Fork, parallactic mount, friction drives (no backlash) allowing any
tracking rate in RA and DEC
- Light, steel enclosure with Ash-dome dome, easy ventilation
(louvers on telescope and ground level). Minimalization of heat sources
in the telescope building
- Remote control of the telescope and instruments from "control
building" located 15 m away from the telescope building. Possibility of
remote control over the Internet
- First "optical" light Feb 9, 1996, first "electronic" light Jul
18, 1996
Control building (left) and the dome