An Extremely Hot Pulsating Pre-White Dwarf from OGLE
Limits on planetary-mass primordial black holes from the OGLE high-cadence survey of the Magellanic Clouds
Observations of microlensed images with dual-field interferometry: on-sky demonstration and prospects
No massive black holes in the Milky Way halo
Microlensing Optical Depth and Event Rate toward the Large Magellanic Cloud Based on 20 yr of OGLE Observations
Blue Large-Amplitude Pulsators and Other Short-Period Variable Stars in OGLE-IV Fields of the Outer Galactic Bulge
Discovery of the Longest-Period Classical Cepheid in the Milky Way
Recent results
Main results in these fields:
Extrasolar Planets
Gravitational Lensing & Microlensing
Variable Stars
Transient Objects
Structure of Galaxy & Magellanic System
Active Galactic Nuclei
Photometric Maps
Kuiper Belt Objects
Interstellar Extinction
OGLE Variable Stars
On-line Data
Project description and history
Telescope information