
Classical Novae in the Magellanic Clouds

The population of classical novae in the Magellanic Clouds was poorly known because of a lack of systematic studies. There were some suggestions that nova rates per unit mass in the Magellanic Clouds were higher than in any other galaxy. We present an analysis of data collected over sixteen years by the OGLE survey with the aim of characterizing nova population in the Clouds. We found twenty eruptions of novae, half of them are new discoveries. We robustly measure the nova rates of 2.4 ± 0.8 per year (LMC) and 0.9 ± 0.4 per year (SMC) and confirm that K-band luminosity-specific nova rates in both Clouds are 2–3 times higher than in other galaxies. This can be explained by the star formation history in the Magellanic Clouds, specifically a re-ignition of the star formation rate a few Gyr ago.

Light curves of nova eruptions.

We also present the discovery of an intriguing system OGLE-MBR133.25.1160 which mimics recurrent nova eruptions.

Light curve of OGLE-MBR133.25.1160 showing fast, nova-like outbursts.

The time-series photometry of objects presented in this paper is available from the OGLE Internet Archive.

Please cite the following paper when using the data or referring to these OGLE results: Mróz et al. 2015, The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, 222, 9, arXiv:1511.06355.

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